Here you will find all books currently available. There are currently several creations that will soon be available for publication. Make sure you check back often to insure you don't miss a thing. I will also post news and updates as they become available!
Collections From The Heart (2nd Edition)
On sale now in your choice of paperback or kindle download
A collection of poems written from the heart about love, romance, heartbreak, loss of loved ones, and tragedy. Brand new revised edition, new look, new design and new stuff added. Filled with love, tears, heartache, and pain this is a perfect collection for any mood, to read with someone you love, or when you need a few words to help get you out of the doghouse with the spouse.
Release Date: November 14, 2017
Where The Road Leads
Will be available in your choice of paperback or kindle download
I am excited to give you this sneak peek of the cover for Where The Road Leads! This book is my first ever #NaNoWriMo project and I am extremely excited about this novel, the storyline, and getting it finished and ready for pre-order and a release date soon! More details about this novel, the story inside of it, and a book release date soon!
New Sneak Peek Unveiled Soon
Will be available in your choice of paperback or kindle download
I am excited to give you this sneak peek of the cover for one of my soon to come books. More details and updates about the book as they become available!
Midnite Oil
Will be available in your choice of paperback or kindle download
My apologies... Midnite Oil has been put on hold for now. It is being revised and re-edited. I will keep you posted with updates as they become available.