The Good Old Days...
It is that time of year... another Holiday season has snuck right in. The season for being thankful, for counting blessings, surrounding...
Learn From My Mistakes...
I stand by my belief that if by opening up about me that it is worth it if it helps just one person. The more I thought about it after...
My Story Continues...
Well, a lot of you have been asking so here comes some real personal and emotional truth. Some of you may have already read the My Story...
Warp Speed Ahead...
Life is all about moments and every second that passes is another moment cherished or gone forever. In those moments you are continuously...
Holidays, Resolutions & Being True To Yourself...
The holiday season is upon us once again. A time where many are giving thanks, counting their blessings, honoring their religion and...
Getting Intimate With Me...
First of all before anything else I want to take the time to personally thank all of you for the kind words, encouragement and support...
Sorry, But Yeah Really Not Sorry...
I have said it before and well, I am here to say it again. I am so sick and tired of people that judge other people or form opinions of...
Can I Get Some Syrup Please...
Hi, my name is… wait… I am sure you know who I am by now, right? Those of you that have been a part of my circle for many years already...
When Did We Become So Disposable...
Ok, so I know it has been a long time since I have had my feet in the dating pool. I mean you could probably find dinosaur fossils more...
Where The Hell Has Nyki Been...
So just where have I been... I apologize for being away for pretty much the past seven months and I know a lot of you have been making...