Can I Get Some Syrup Please...
Hi, my name is… wait… I am sure you know who I am by now, right? Those of you that have been a part of my circle for many years already know that even though I am a good hearted person, I am still a little firecracker that loves to rant from time to time whenever something just fuels my fire. Don;t even get me started on the banana slicer, I been biting my tongue on that rant for weeks now!!
It is also no secret by now that I am brutally honest, I cannot stand abusive conduct, greed, cheaters, deceit and even society’s obsession to continue to create half assed validations that are meant to excuse away common sense to make people feel better about themselves and their selfish habits.
Many of you may already know this I am sure, but since I have been, well, not exactly active in the dating pool these days, this was news to me. Society has shown its light on yet a new way to make it socially acceptable to treat people like crap and walk away guilt free… so of course this is gonna burn my ass!!
Suspense killing you yet? Good! I am referring to this wonderful new theory referred to as, ‘The Pancake Theory’. Logic behind it goes like this… when you are making pancakes, what always happens to the first one? It gets burnt!! This ugly little flapjack has now been flopped onto the dating world stating that the first person that is dated after a breakup is always going to get burnt… the pancake theory.
I am not, nor do I ever claim to be an expert on anything. I am just a girl with old fashioned morals, compassion for others and the wonderful tools of social media to help shout my rants. However, let us really stop and think about this for a moment.
If you are reading this and you are a thirteen year old with your first crush, don’t worry, you are going to be ok. BUT… if you are any adult that is active in today's dating world, I got news for you and it is not good.
As an adult, we are always going to be next in line. I mean it is pretty unavoidable that we are not going to be next to pick up someone else’s broken heart. Once you think about that perspective and realize it make sense, then you will understand my way of breaking this down.
Basically, since all of us are going to be next in line at some point in our life, doesn’t that leave every single one of us sitting in a dim lit room on a row full of hard metal chairs clutching tightly to our now serving ticket waiting for our number to be called so that we can become the next pancake? I am not even going to ask who makes this stuff up, really I do not think I want to know.
I do know however that it really fires me up because never in my life have I entered a relationship with any hopes other than this could be the one. Who enters an exciting new relationship hoping it falls apart before it even gets started? I mean seriously?!
All the pancake theory is, is a theory manifested by some cold-hearted individual who wanted to feel better about themselves and not be frowned upon by their friends for stomping someone's unsuspecting heart in a million pieces by smiling, throwing their hands up and spouting from their pie hole, “Sorry babe, you were just the pancake”. We are supposed to just fall to defeat and say, “Damn, well ok then”. Pfffffttttt!!
I am so sorry, but this will NEVER be ok with me, or in my world. I seriously do not know how some people sleep at night. This is only yet one more reason why those of us who are loving, compassionate and loyal are labeled and punished before we even have a chance… because of cold-hearted snakes that live by and hide behind these lame ass excuses.
Believe me, this stuff really disgusts me and I could rant on for weeks, but I better stop here. I guess the only thing I can end this with is… can we at least get some syrup?