I See You...
…Well, maybe not you in particular, but I see the looks on their faces. You know the ones that are always hovering like vultures and giving you that evil eye once you pull into a handicap space and get out of the vehicle. The many that are all to quick to snub their nose and judge you.
Yes I have a handicap placard in the car, and I have it for a good reason. Just because I look too young to be handicap to you does not mean that I am not. People can be handicap for all sorts of reasons that may not be visible to you snobs. It could be an innocent child with heart issues, or someone like myself that has a cane and wears leg braces. If you do not see me with a cane, then that means that I am wearing my leg braces today and those are hidden underneath my jeans. Obviously I am not going to pull down my pants and satisfy your curiosity by showing them to you, although I just may if I am pissed off enough one day.
I do not understand labels, and criticisms. First off, what gives people the right to judge me, or anyone for that matter? Secondly, all these stereotypes.. nobody would question an elderly person getting out of their vehicle in a handicap space. So what, only elderly can be handicap? Lastly labels, as far as these go what really defines the perfect person, looks, relationship, attitude, body type, size, family, or even life? We are all perfect in our own way and should not be belittled by what society portrays as their idea of perfection.
Society is portraying this perfect image of what everyone should be, like we are a cloned bunch of Barbies or Kens. This is why there are so many danger signs for our children and teenagers. Girls throwing up to make themselves society’s perfect size zero not aware that they are slowly starving themselves to death. Boys using drugs and steroids hoping to be like that that perfect athlete they idolize everyday of their lives not aware of the health risks and what they are causing their organs to battle. And then we have the bullies, the ones that are confused or feel shut out because their parents are never home to talk to them, eat dinner with them, respect them, or take the time to show them how to respect others. So instead to fill the void, they gather together in a group and wreak havoc on the weak ones until the weak get weaker and commit suicide because they cannot take it anymore.
What has happened to this world? I was raised to practice equality, we are all equal. Nobody is really better than anybody else. Do unto others, well yes. If you are nice to me, I am going to be nice to you. I know some people won’t get along because not everyone’s personality is going to click with another, but for the most part they do and this is called making friends. If you see someone struggling you offer a helping hand, not point fingers and poke fun at them for being down on their luck.
NOBOBY on this Earth has the given right to judge any one of us, the ONLY one that is allowed to judge us is God. He will be our only trial, judge and jury when it comes our time to meet. And I tell people all the time, you may lie and manipulate your way out of the truth and consequences here on Earth, but that won’t happen when your judgement day comes, God will see right trough all of that crap.
So before you go making assumptions, accusations, and judgements about someone… you better go have a long hard look in the mirror at yourself.